Author: The Bowling Coach Author
Score rules are the basic rules in bowling. They determine who won the game or how they got their scores. There are guidelines that need to be followed in scoring a bowling game.
There are frames that are used in scoring the number of pins that were knocked down during the delivery. The frame is shaped in a square with a little square box in the upper right corner of the square. When a strike is scored, no marking or counts are made in the boxes. However, the pins that were knocked down on the first delivery are scored in the box next to the small square. The pins knocked down on the second delivery are listed on the smaller box inside the square.
A strike occurs when all 10 pins are knocked down on the first delivery. The square is then marked with the letter “x” on the upper right corner of the box. The score is then made by counting 10 for the strike and adding it to the number of pins knocked down on the next two deliveries.
Two strikes made consecutively are scored as a “double”. The score for the first strike is then 20 and the number of pins knocked down on the first delivery before the second strike. Strikes that are made on three successive attempts are called a “turkey” and they are scored as triple. The score of the initial strike is 30. The maximum score that a player can get is 300. To do this, he needs to make 12 strikes consecutively.
There is also a spare, which is scored when the pins that were left standing after the first delivery were knocked down on the second delivery. Both deliveries should fall in the same frame. A spare is then marked with a “/” in the smaller square on the upper right corner of the frame. The count for every spare is scored 10 added to the number of pins knocked down after the next delivery.
An open frame occurs when a player was unable to knock down all of the 10 pins after the two deliveries. A split may happen when the head pin was knocked down but there were lower pins that remained standing creating two separate set of pins.
Scoring may be hard to understand especially if the player is a beginner. It would be easier for him to enjoy the game first before understanding the scoring guidelines. After frequent visits to the bowling lanes, he will eventually learn to understand the scoring rules of bowling.
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For bowling techniques or just bowling visit The Bowling Coach.
Sorting Out Strikes and Spares - Scoring a Bowling Game
Author: The Bowling Coach
Believe it or not, the average recreational bowler, though capable of performing well on the bowling alley, may be at a total loss when it comes to being able to keeping score.
Many bowling alleys now have an automatic scoring system that does all the figuring of the scores for them. While it isn't exactly a skill that can contribute to an improved game, fully understanding bowling includes knowing how to score a game.
Below is an easy way (hopefully) to follow walk-through of how the fallen pins convert to points on the board:
1. As you may already know, each game is divided into 10 frames. That number corresponds with the number of boxes lined up in a row next to a players name on the scoreboard. Each box has a smaller box inside at the top left corner.
2. In the smaller box, you should write down the number of pins that fell on the player's first try of the frame.
3. In the box next to the smaller one where you recorded the first attempt, write down the number of pins that fell on the second try.
4. Add the two numbers together and place the result (total) in the larger space at the bottom of the box.
5. If a strike was made on the first attempt, mark it with an 'X' in the small box. Add 10 points (for the strike) to the total number of pins that was recorded in the previous box and write it down in the totals area of that particular frame.
6. If a second strike followed the first one, add 10 points for the first strike, another 10 for the second, but before closing the tally for this particular frame, record the number of pins that fell on the next frame's first attempt. Add this number to the 20 points from the previous frame.
7. In the event of a spare, indicate a slash (/) in the small box after all the pins have been knocked down on the second attempt. Then wait for the number of pins to fall on the next frame's first attempt and add this to the 10 points from the spare. Write this number in the totals area of the frame where the spare was made.
The tediousness of the process is overshadowed by the convenience of computers doing it, but it is part of knowing what bowling is about. For one to fully appreciate the game in all of its aspects, taking the time to practice it won't hurt.
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Read more about bowling tips, including spare bowling and bowling hook at The Bowling Coach website.
Author: The Bowling Coach
Many bowlers aspire to have consistent strikes in bowling but their schedules may not allow them to practice in a bowling alley as frequently as they would like. There are many ways bowlers can practice and improve their performance even if they are away from the bowling lanes. Visualize the performance of consistent strikes that every bowler dreams of making. Here are some helpful tips on how to get the strikes even when not in the lanes.
The home can be a suitable venue to practice in place of the bowling lanes. Find a place in the house where the floor is vinyl, hardwood, tile or any flooring that is similar to the texture of the bowling lanes.
Make a "T" shape using a tape or any marker to mark the place as the starting position. The player may then put his toes on the top of the "T" that he improvised. He will then be able to figure out his ideal step and mark the exact spot where he can make his first step.
He can then proceed practicing by visualizing the bowling action and getting the strike. Repeat the first step several times to become consistent with the move. It is important not to look down at the marker he made each time he takes that step. He should be able to master the exact location of the ideal step he has assigned in the marker. The repetition will allow him to perfect his step.
He may also perform his moves on the imaginary lane that he made. He can do the moves even without a ball or he can improvise with any round object that can roll and has the same weight as a standard bowling ball. He can imagine the lane, focus at the center of the imaginary lane, and think that there are pins standing on it. Practice the backswing and hook techniques by imagining throwing a ball at a specific target.
Practicing at home is a great way to master the skills and get consistent strikes when bowling. Bowling requires focus and imagination and practicing at home using the improvised lane is one good way to stay focused and be imaginative.
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If you want more bowling tips, visit for tips on how to improve your bowling score and bowling hook.
How and Where to Buy the Best Bowling Shoes Online by: Ray GauntMost bowling centers require players to wear bowling shoes. If the player doesn't have one, he can rent one on the center. But this is a typical scenario for a casual player. The regular bowlers often have a pair of bowling shoes. Aside from being able to save from rentals, having you own fit is undeniably comfortable, not to mention pretty sexy too, since you won't have to wear those size 14 shoes that you have mistaken for a boat.
The most important factor for bowling shoes is the slide effect. As you approach the lane for a delivery, you need to slide with the opposite foot, and rubber soled shoes like sneakers will not slide.If you haven't bought a pair of bowling shoes before, you might be a little lost. For starters, you should consider how often you play. Casual players may be better off using rented shoes. But if you are more of a regular bowler, then you should consider what type of shoe you need.Buying Your ShoeThere are two types of bowling shoes, Athletic and Performance. Athletic shoes are recommended for novice players because they have a sliding sole on both shoes. Performance shoe on the other hand, has the sliding effect on one shoe and the braking effect on the other, which shoe has which would depend on right/left handedness. So if you are a competitive bowler who likes to change patterns with every game, you will probably want a shoe that has interchangeable sole pads to match a style and the surface condition you are bowling in.Here are some sites that may prove useful for your bowling shoe hunting.http://www.bowling.comPhone orders: 1.800.441.2695This site has a listing of the latest bowling shoes at a bargain price of $42.99. A real deal since normal prices are somewhere beyond $100 mark. Any purchase comes with free shipping. You also can check products of specific brands by the 'shop by brand' button. Aside from shoes, the site offers a variety of bowling equipment. Browse into their vast catalog and see if anything interests you. And oh, is an authorized retailer of the PBA. This should guarantee the authenticity of their products.http://www.bowlersparadise.comPhone orders: 1.888.969.2695Bowlers Paradise also has a number of cool shoes on catalog and an option to check the products of a specific brand as well. A handy bowling shoe search engine is available at the left part of the page. This site specifically wants your shopping to be as hassle free as possible.About The Author
Ray Gaunt has been a professional bowler for many years now and has bowled several perfect (300) games with many bowling balls. He is one of the coaches that pesonally instructs and helps people at which is a bowling site that helps people improve their bowling game. So if you are interested in getting access to a personal bowling coach check out
Why AMF Bowling Center in the US are the MOST Fun by: Ray GauntAre you up for a game of bowling but don’t have any inkling where lies the nearest AMF bowling centers nearby? Or are you in a situation wherein you’re given the responsibility of setting up a group event only you don’t know where to start. Now isn’t the time to fret. Be it a simple recreational activity or have a huge party at the lanes, AMF has evolved to meet the queer demands of the populace.Ah, I sound like an ad, but it’s true. The AMF Bowling Centers in the US has really evolved, from a standard beat down bowling alley to a recreation network filled with possibilities. Bowling parties, group or corporate events, the AMF bowling centers had the packages to meet this demand. I personally think it is a cool idea. Let’s face it: Pool parties, beach parties, house parties and backyard barbeque, it’s a ‘been there, done that’ formula. AMF offers a different setting in the same old fun. Xtreme bowling? Ha! Check this wild new innovation with a couple of friends and see where it will take you from there. As they said it, it’s way cool!So you are the more than average player looking for a worthy challenge? Or would you rather invest in your skills until you are ready to face some serious competition? Head up to a local AMF bowling center near your vicinity and you will find groups of people who like you would wish to test their mettle against yours. Bowl them into the gutter or bowl yourself out of a gutter, the challenges you will find in the AMF bowling leagues could get you occupied for weeks.You will meet interesting players while sprucing up your game. Especially if you sign up in an AMF bowling club since you are group together by something you have in common, a passion in books or movie or even fishing.AMF Bowling Center, Inc has gone a long way since its release of the automatic pinsetter in 1946. And since then, AMF has become a leader in the bowling industry. With AMF bowling centers scattered worldwide, it is impossible to miss AMF for your bowling needs. And oh, if you are living in the US, here’s a link to listings of AMF centers all over the states.About The Author
Ray Gaunt has been a professional bowler for many years now and has bowled several perfect (300) games with many bowling balls. He is one of the coaches that pesonally instructs and helps people at which is a bowling site that helps people improve their bowling game. So if you are interested in getting access to a personal bowling coach check out
by: Ray GauntBowling as sometimes called tenpins is an indoor game played on a polished wooden or synthetic floor by teams or individuals. Bowling is very popular in the US and to other countries, as well.In bowling games, the players or sometimes-called bowlers, roll ball toward ten pins. The pins are usually made from wood or plastic, arranged in triangular formation, with the headpin 60 feet from a foul line. The bowling ball is made from various materials like but not limited to; rubber, plastic, urethanes.Bowling games consist of ten runs each game, called frames. The bowlers would try to knock down all ten pins. The scores are kept on a sheet or video screen which list the bowler’s names, the frames, the number of pins knocked down with each ball, and the final scores.During the first nine frames, the bowler rolls one or two balls. If the bowler knocked down all the ten pins with the first throw of ball, the bowler rolled a strike, the best roll possible. An X is recorded on the scoresheet or screen, and then the bowler will receive ten points from the ten pins being knocked down plus a bonus of the number of pins the bowler is going to knock down in the next two bowls. So, the maximum possible score in a strike frame is 30. But, if there are still pins standing after the first throw of a frame, the bowler takes another shot. By knocking down all the remaining pins, the result is a spare. A slash (/) is recorded on the scoresheet or screen, and the player will receive ten points plus a bonus of the number of pins knocked down with the next throw. The maximum score in a spare frame is 20. The computation is, the spare’s ten points followed by another ten if the next frame is a strike.If the bowler failed to knock down all the ten pins in both throws, the points with which the bowler will get is only the total number of pins knocked down. If a bowler failed to knock down even one pin, a dash (-) will be recorded on the scoresheet.Players who rolls spares but strikes during the tenth and last frame will receive bonus. Bowlers who roll a spare will get an extra ball, and the number of pins knocked is added to the score. Bowlers who roll a strike will get two more balls to try and to be added to their earlier scores. The other terminologies in bowling games are turkey, which means three strikes in a row, and a split, which means a wide gap between the remaining pins after a throw.A player can get a top score of 300 or called a perfect game, by registering a strike in each frame and on the last two extra balls. Perfect bowling games rarely happen. Most of the professional bowlers only average more than 230, and amateurs have a hard time making even 100.About The Author
Ray Gaunt has been a professional bowler for many years now and has bowled several perfect (300) games with many bowling balls. He is one of the coaches that pesonally instructs and helps people at which is a bowling site that helps people improve their bowling game. So if you are interested in getting access to a personal bowling coach check out
Bring Bowling Machine Into Your Own Home and Experience the Fun! by: Ray GauntIf you like playing bowling but do not like the idea of going to and from the bowling centers, you can put a stop on that worry because the answer to that problem is a bowling machine. You can still have fun and enjoy playing bowling in the luxury of your own place. This can also help you practice whenever you want.In the sport of Cricket, a bowling is the action of propelling the ball towards the batsman. There is also a bowling machine for cricket. This device enables a batsman to practice when there is no one available to bowl with him, or no one of the desired style or standard. Same thing with bowling or sometimes called tenpins, the bowling machine can help the bowler practice to improve the playing performance.Online shopping offers a number of bowling machines that come in different sizes, brand new, or used. For tenpins, there are shuffle alley puck bowling machine, and pro striker bowling machine, and many others.Pro striker bowling machine is an arcade bowling. You can experience the excitement, sound and display. This has real balls and pins, interactive sound and display, fully operator adjustable, and made from plywood. Up to six persons can play on this machine. This type of bowling machine has three sizes available; there are 11, 15, and 19 feet long and because of the size of this machine, it may not pass through a standard doorway.Shuffle alley puck bowling machine will give you the experience of shuffle alley bowling in your own place. Anyone from all ages can play and have fun from this bowling machine. There are even game variations, from regulation to triple strike. It also uses real pins and bowling ball. This machine features maintenance free proximity switch design, low maintenance pin setting mechanism, flat screen color monitor and on screen scoring, full stereo sound system; bill accepter ready and coin mechanism included, if you plan to use this for business purposes.Whether you are just into bowling for recreational purposes or trying to improve your playing performance, this bowling machine can help you enjoy the same fun and excitement the bowling centers provide, not to mention the benefit of privacy with which you can take advantage of if you play in your home. As a first-timer, it is expected that your performance is poor during the first few tries but that can be remedied. Through the use of this machine, you can practice all you want until you gain confidence with your playing skills. You now get the whole point of the benefit this machine can give you? I did. So, if I were you, get one now and be able to practice until you're good at it.About The Author
Ray Gaunt has been a professional bowler for many years now and has bowled several perfect (300) games with many bowling balls. He is one of the coaches that pesonally instructs and helps people at which is a bowling site that helps people improve their bowling game. So if you are interested in getting access to a personal bowling coach check out
The Bowler's Uniform Consists of Bowling Shirts Paired with Comfortable Pants by: Ray GauntBowling as sometimes called tenpins requires only two pieces of gears and these are bowling ball and bowling shoes. Bowling shoes and bowling balls are both helpful with regards to your performance in playing this game. Like any other sports there usually an appropriate outfits to wear. Take for example the basketball, the uniform are shorts and sleeveless jersey. As for bowling, there is also an appropriate shirt for the bowling players and these shirts are called bowling shirts.The bowling shirts come in different styles, colors, and fabrics. There are classic bowling shirts, retro bowling shirts, and there are also bowling shirts which are suited for bowling champions. A bowling shirt is usually styled in contrasting collars, piping leaves, pockets, contrasting buttons, and back pleats. Some bowling shirts have additional features like; button-up front with matching buttons and two front pockets.The different fabrics with which bowling shirts are made of are poly/cotton, 100 % silk, and rayon/polyester. These shirts are very comfy to wear, durable yet light weight that makes it easy to care. The shirts made from rayon/polyester materials, though, are a little heavier but still very comfortable to wear. The lounge master, swing master, and imperial line style of bowling shirts have contrasting color vertical panel, same color with the collar. The classic and retro shirts, however, don't have this contrasting color vertical panel design but all the bowling shirts have contrasting color collar and button-up fronts. Back printed shirts are also available to add some style.These are a number of online shopping sport stores that sell bowling shirts. The online shopping stores have a wide range of styles, designs, materials, colors, and sizes to choose from. We're through finding out the best shirt to wear in playing bowling, now pair it with comfortable pants and you are ready to go. Just don't forget to bring your most important gears; the bowling shoes and bowling ball. But, don't' worry if you don't have these gears, you can always rent them in any bowling centers you want to go to.Whether you are a professional or an amateur bowler, wear comfortable outfit if you want to give out your best performance in playing your favorite sport-bowling.About The Author
Ray Gaunt has been a professional bowler for many years now and has bowled several perfect (300) games with many bowling balls. He is one of the coaches that pesonally instructs and helps people at which is a bowling site that helps people improve their bowling game. So if you are interested in getting access to a personal bowling coach check out
An Introduction to the Game of Bowling by: Ray GauntBowling is a game of scoring points by knocking down pins with balls. Fundamentally, a player rolls a heavy bowling ball into a flat surface to knock down arranged pins of nine or ten, depending on the game you play. There are several forms of bowling; some are played indoors which usually uses a lane or a long flat polished wood surface with gutters along the length of the lane. Primary examples of these indoor types are the feather bowling, duckpin bowling, candlepin bowling, ninepin skittles, five pin bowling and the most popular form of bowling which is the Ten-pin.Ten-pin bowling is very similar to the other forms, except the game obviously uses ten pins which the player should attempt to knock down as many pins possible to score points. The game has ten frames with each frame consisting two rolls for each competing player.Another popular bowling variant is the Five-pin bowling which is often played in Canada. It is a recent modification of Ten-pin bowling but instead of two attempts, Five-pin has three attempts, and each attempt can be thrown in quick succession. The game employs smaller balls without fingerholes, making it difficult to attain a perfect score since splits are more frequent.The outdoor type usually utilizes a lawn, or a patch of gravel. The examples of which are Lawn Bowling, Bocce, and Petanque. Petanque is widely played in especially in France.Tracing up bowling's history, it is widely believed that the German culture was the cradle of this sport. Though there have been substantial evidences of bowling-like games in ancient Egypt, history clearly points that bowling really did occur in Germany since its dark ages. In those days, heathens and heretics abound the land and the usual practice for the German clergy was a simple test of knocking down clubs called Kegel by rolling a stone or a wooden ball. If the individual succeeds in knocking the club down, he is considered free of sin. This practice eventually made its way from the secular world to the common people and along the way got more refined until ultimately became an interesting sport that survived till this day.About The Author
Author Ray Gaunt has been a professional bowler for many years now and has bowled several perfect (300) games with many bowling balls. He is one of the coaches that pesonally instructs and helps people at which is a bowling site that helps people improve their bowling game. So if you are interested in getting access to a personal bowling coach check out
How YOU Can Choose the right Bowling Ball for Yourself by: Ray GauntBowling balls are always a hot topic. Not only novices but also advanced players every now and then go out of the way to buy a bowling ball. Why? Specific purpose. Not only bowling balls avail to suit a playing style, some bowling balls are best suited for specific conditions such as dry lanes. Reactive balls afford more hooks than a plastic ball, but with a much too dry lane, a hook could lead the ball straight instead to the gutter.Given that balls can get real expensive and it is quite tricky in selecting the right ball, a good choice must be made. If you're not careful, the ball may end up unused in the attic for a long time, and that would be nasty. There are dozen of sites that provide excellent bowling balls and here's a few of them:http://www.bowling.comPhone orders: 1.800.441.2695They offer an outstanding catalog of bowling balls that ranges from $100 to $300. From clear balls to high performance ball, this site is suited to satisfy any bowling need. Check out their featured bowling balls, it is quite a selection. They also offer various bowling equipment and accessories that would interest any avid bowler. Their catalog includes bags, shoes, accessories, clothing, books and videos relating to bowling needs. The cool thing about this site is that they are an authorized retailer of elite PBA balls and bags. Another cool feature of this site is the option to shop items by brand, a real handy option for loyal followers of a certain brand name.http://www.bowlersparadise.comPhone orders: 1.888.969.2695Bowlers Paradise is another huge name in the bowling equipment online retailers and is also an official retailer for PBA. Like, the site has a variety of bowing equipment in their catalog, and they also have the cool option of shopping by brand. Wow, this site offers bowling ball drill service. What a cool option for recreational bowlers who do not currently have their own custom fit ball.About The Author
Ray Gaunt has been a professional bowler for many years now and has bowled several perfect (300) games with many bowling balls. He is one of the coaches that pesonally instructs and helps people at which is a bowling site that helps people improve their bowling game. So if you are interested in getting access to a personal bowling coach check out
Choosing a Bowling Ball The Correct Way by: Ray GauntThe sport of bowling, I used to think that it is an easy game. You just have to aim and then throw the ball towards the pins. It looks very easy to me but when I tried it myself, I fell like being dragged by the ball. It was heavy plus it was not that easy to let go of the ball, if you don not know exactly how to do it. Really, I almost stumbled and rolled with the ball on the floor if it were not for my friend who was just in time to grab my arms before I could make a laughing stock out of myself. It could have been a very embarrassing moment. After the incident, I took time to study the game before I tried another shot.Bowling is a sport that anyone can do at an early age and enjoy for a lifetime. This is a sport in which a player, called a bowler attempts to knock down as many pins as possible by rolling a ball along the lane. The lane is bordered by gutters on both sides that serve to collect balls that could not go through the pins or simply called gutter balls.Two things that a bowler needs are bowling shoes and a bowling ball. The bowling ball is heavy and has holes in it. The three holes are for the bowler's thumb and two other fingers. Choosing the right bowling balls is the first step to successful bowling. This sport is based on timing and coordination, a bowler must select and use a ball that is easy to handle. This bowling ball is made with a weight block, a low density inner core and a polyurethane outer shell. This weight block is added to make up the loss when the holes are made.The ball should not be heavy or light, and should be comfortable and natural on the bowler's hand. The ideal weight of the bowling ball is about 1/10 of your weight. Let us say you weigh 150 pounds, you will need a 15 pound-bowling ball. The thumb of your throwing hand (can be right or left), should fit into the hole provided for the thumb and rotate with only slight friction. To measure a proper grip, the bowler's two middle fingers should then be stretched over the finger holes and not into the holes. When picking up the ball from the rack, place your hands on the sides of the ball, not in between the other bowling balls. This will keep your fingers from getting smashed by the heavy bowling balls. And always carry the ball with your both hands.Bowling is truly a sport that anyone of any age can enjoy for as long as you can carry the weight of the ball. We have studied how to choose the right ball for you, so go ahead pick the right ball for you and enjoy bowling. Had I known all about these before, I could have enjoyed bowling more.About The Author
Ray Gaunt has been a professional bowler for many years now and has bowled several perfect (300) games with many bowling balls. He is one of the coaches that pesonally instructs and helps people at which is a bowling site that helps people improve their bowling game. So if you are interested in getting access to a personal bowling coach check out
Bowling Shirt Completes the Bowler's Uniform by: Ray GauntMost real player of bowling wears bowling shirt. This shirt is made from different fabrics like poly/cotton, 100 cotton. By the way, all these kind of shirts may or may not have prints. There are prints on the back, front, or on both sides, especially the customized ones in which their shirts have printed or hand-chainstitched logo. The logos can be a company or a team logo. Common style of these shirts have contrasting collar, button-up front, pocket in front (optional), and back pleats.Bowling shirts should be comfortable to wear yet durable. It is best that you feel comfortable with what you wear in playing bowling so that you will not be distracted by discomfort while playing game because bowling requires concentration and coordination in order to win the game. Bowling shirts paired with comfortable jeans, and then you are ready to show what you got. This is just the right outfit for you. It is also important to choose the right fit for your shirt; it should be light- weight, not too loose, and not too tight.If you are an amateur or professional bowler, you should have a bowling shirt. If you want to personalize you bowling shirt, it is possible. On-line stores have a wide variety of designs and styles for you to choose from. You can check out at any bowling related websites and you can find many choices of bowling shirts in different designs and colors. And if you are the type of person who prefers fitting an outfit to know exactly the right size and the right color (like me), you can always check out your local sports retail stores for your bowling shirt.For you to be easily labeled as a bowler, wearing a comfortable bowling shirt will do. By doing so, each time you go bowling, you will be recognized as one right away. And besides, that should be the right outfit for you for better performance.About The Author
Ray Gaunt has been a professional bowler for many years now and has bowled several perfect (300) games with many bowling balls. He is one of the coaches that pesonally instructs and helps people at which is a bowling site that helps people improve their bowling game. So if you are interested in getting access to a personal bowling coach check out
Bowling Pins and Some Interesting Facts by: Ray GauntFor the sake of complete information, bowling is a game in which players attempt to score points by rolling a ball along a flat surface called a lane to knock down objects called bowling pins. The least the throw it takes to knock the balls down, the bigger the score. The player with the highest total score wins. Simple enough? Good, because we'll chat about the bowling pins.The American Bowling Congress (ABC) is the one responsible for controlling bowling pins specification. There are tight tolerances placed upon every bowling pin to ensure that every bowling pin in the game of bowling is standard.As we all know, there are various ways to play bowling, but only those indoor types of bowling employ the use of pins and lanes. To enumerate, these are the ten-pin, nine-pin, five-pin, duckpin and candlepin bowling. All the pins used are roughly of the same shape, a flower vase-like shape with a rounded head, except for candlepin bowling which has, as the name implies candle shaped pins.Where did the bowling pin's shape originate? That is an unlikely question, since most of us saw the pin as it was today. Take a pensive look at the shape of a bowling pin, notice a resemblance? Right! It resembles the Kegel, an ancient war club of during the dark ages of Germany. Kegel is also the name of the sport that was the forerunners of present day bowling.Most bowling pins are made with Rock Maple wood, constructed by gluing blocks together to form roughly the shape of a bowling pin. But there had been attempts to make plastic versions of bowling pins. After the wooden blocks are bound together by glue and shaped by the lathe, the product is then coated with plastic material and finally treated with chemicals to produce the glossy finish.About The Author
Ray Gaunt has been a professional bowler for many years now and has bowled several perfect (300) games with many bowling balls. He is one of the coaches that pesonally instructs and helps people at which is a bowling site that helps people improve their bowling game. So if you are interested in getting access to a personal bowling coach check out
Bowling Pins Come In Different Shapes and Sizes by: Ray GauntDuckpins are shorter and squatter than duckpins. Canadians fivepins between the size of tenpins and duckpins but have a thick, 1- inch- wide rubber band around the widest part of the pin to increase pin action when struck. Candlepins are different to the others. These pins are the tallest of all at 15 ¾ inches, but only a little over 2.9 inches wide, and weigh 2 lb 8 oz. They almost look like a candle, nearly cylindrical in shape. Not like other bowling pins, candlepins maybe set on either side.Bowling pins are created by gluing blocks of hard rock maple wood into the vague shape, and then forming them on a lathe. After the lathe shapes the pins, they are coated with a plastic material, painted and finally covered with a glossy finish. Due to shortage of the suitable wood, efforts to make an all-plastic bowling pins have been undertaken for many years.These are the different types of bowling pins there is:Winsom pins are made in Asia.Brunswick "Max" is the current pin with the trademarked crown logo.AMF Sumo pin is a novelty pin based on the very popular Sumo bowling ball.A rare AMF pin, violated Brunswick's crown logo trademark, and was discontinued.Brunswick "Flyer" is one of Brunswick's first injection molded pins. Injection molding made the coating thicker than the original dipping process.Brunswick mixer was the last in the series of plastic dipped for Brunswick.Vulcan Vultex II. Vulcan was a competitor to both AMF and Brunswick, which eventually bought by Brunswick. It is a surlyn coated injection molded pin.Brunswick "B" Maxis an early version of Brunswick "Max" pin.The Brunswick Killer "B"Brunswick PBA gold pin is a 33lb 10 oz pin and is heavier than the normal pin; these pins can only be used in PBA tournament play.Brunswick WWF "The rock pin", and Candle pin.The different types of bowling pins mentioned above are the ones existing or being displayed in PBA.There are bowling pins sold in the market today. Many online sports shopping sell different sports equipment, and accessories. Likewise, bowling pins can also be purchased; some pins may not be made from hard rock maple wood but from plastic.About The Author
Ray Gaunt has been a professional bowler for many years now and has bowled several perfect (300) games with many bowling balls. He is one of the coaches that personally instructs and helps people at which is a bowling site that helps people improve their bowling game. So if you are interested in getting access to a personal bowling coach check out
Bowling Bags Are Necessary and Here Are Reasons Why by: Ray GauntWhile other bowling paraphernalia helps your performance, some are really used only for attitude or as a mind-setter (go bowling-wear bowling). But setting your mind sometimes has indefinite advantage to your morale which in turn as advantage to your play. So don't neglect these things. A proper mind-set is sometimes as important as going for a game with full energy.When you go for work, your pocket organizer tracks things for you. It has everything you need, notes, dates, calculator, voice recorder, internet, and even radio. It's so useful that everyone has them, even housewives, though the manner of need is somewhat different than of a businessman. In bowling parlance, your bowling bag is your pocket organizer. It should have everything bowling calls for. Powder, spare shirts, a neatly ironed spare uniform, extra shoelaces and socks, spare change for the vending machine nearby…the list goes on. But why bowling bags when you can use any bag you want. Again, mind-set; nothing can beat mind-set. Motivation and confidence. Besides, bowling balls have spaces just for bowling balls. You could fit your bowling balls into a duffel bag but hey, we're talking here about practicality and organizing. Using any bag besides a bowling bag to keep bowling equipment defeats the purpose.So what would you have on your bag? Aside from your bowling shoes and balls, there could be a lot of things you could consider bringing. A towel, powder, wrist braces if you use one, wrist liners, extra shoelaces, a shoe brush to clean shoe soles, hand conditioner, rosin, sole pads and slugs or inserts, or even fingernail clippers. There's so much you might need that your bag might not even be enough. Therefore it is better to use your bowling bag exclusively for your bowling needs. That said, if you decide to go bowling on the spur of a moment, all you have to do is grab your bowling bag and you're ready to go.About The Author
Ray Gaunt has been a professional bowler for many years now and has bowled several perfect (300) games with many bowling balls. He is one of the coaches that pesonally instructs and helps people at which is a bowling site that helps people improve their bowling game. So if you are interested in getting access to a personal bowling coach check out